No, you're not imagining things, I really AM posting a card!!!!
I am so sorry for being such a bad, bad blogger recently (I haven't posted since June1st and even then it wasn't crafting related) I don't really have any excuses other than a lost mojo and feeling very 'down in the dumps'.
Anyway, it was my birthday recently and my lovely hubby bought me a couple of adult colouring books as part of my present, after deciding to colour a couple of images it made me realise how much I'd missed it so here I am...
This card is for my youngest son Gareth, whose birthday is today. Hopefully he'll like it as he's very into super heroes (films and books) and he's also been training very hard recently and developed one heck of a six pack so I thought this would be quite appropriate for him, ha ha!
I'd love to give credit for this brilliant image but (despite scrolling through over 10,000 Spidey images on DeviantArt) I could no longer find the drawing or artist.

This is the original image so if anyone knows who it is by please leave a comment and I'll happily add the artist's name to this post.
Love and hugs to all those in need of them,

Lovely to see uour card Chrissy. My Grandson would love this image,fabulous card,hugs x
So lovely to see you around sweetie. This is awesome and I just know your son will love it.
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