Tuesday 22 December 2009

Bah Humbug Challenge & ABC Christmas Challenge Blog Hop

Hi everyone, I've just popped in to let you all know about a new fortnightly Challenge Blog called ABC Christmas Challenge which is starting on 30th December.
Yes, I know, there are already hundreds of challenge blogs, but this one is going to help make sure that we're not all chasing our tails trying to get Christmas cards made at the last minute.
If you're a regular visitor to my blog you'll know I HATE MAKING CHRISTMAS CARDS!! so this may be the answer to my prayers, just make one every fortnight and take the pressure off a bit.
They are having a blog hop on Christmas Eve so if you think this may be for you, why not pop over and find out more!

Hang on, I'm back again! I'd just posted this when I found another new blog called Bah Humbug doing the same thing and this one starts on 8th January. It also happens to be the brainchild of some very sweet crafting buddies, so how can I possibly not join in with this one. Oh Joy!! at this rate I may not be tearing my hair out and cursing about cards next year (although it looks like I'm going to be very busily entering Christmas Challenges from now on lol!)

1 comment:

Jill said...

fantastic card Chrissie what a great image wishing you and your family a wonderful christmas love n hugs Jill xx