I'm afraid that pesky little mojo has gone walkabouts again, but I'm going to be sending out a search party for him tonight as I need to get started on some new bits and bobs tomorrow.
I popped on to make this posting and found that Holly had presented me with the Brilliante blog award! Thank you so much Holly, I'm very honoured.
I hadn't seen Holly's blog before so popped over to take a look only to find that it's absolutely amazing, so please go and take a look. She also appears to be responsible for some gorgeous digital download images at Squigglefly
I just wanted to leave a message for all my blogging friends to wish them all a very happy and creative new year.
I'm so sorry that I haven't been to visit your blogs for a few days, but I promise to try to do better and visit you all again very soon, once things get back to normal.
I'll leave you now with a reminder about the new challenge blog that is starting on 5th January at Sketch and Stash this will be run by Becky with Lisa and I joining her as the DT, so please do try and join in with us.
Just think, it will give you all a wonderful opportunity to use all the new goodies that you received for Christmas! I look forward to seeing you all there.