Morning all, I've recently started scrapping following my purchase of CAP2 and thought I'd share a few of my family pages with you.
They are very basic as I'm still getting to grips with things but I wanted my first album to be a family scrapbook. The pages I've made are 8x8 which of course, is the only size scrapbook I don't have, typical! So it looks like another new purchase is on the cards.
I started with my maternal grandparents as they helped bring me up when I was small. My parents both worked, so before I started school I used to spend Monday to Friday with my grandparents. I totally adored them both and I still think my Grandfather was the most wonderful man I've ever known (apart from DH of course)
My grandfather started running his own fruit and veg stall, off Victoria Street in London, when he was about 12 years old! He took it over from his mother and when he married my grandmother she helped him. He remained on the same pitch until he retired at 72 years of age and during all that time he would get up at 3am every morning in order to get to Convent Garden to buy his stock.
Both of them loved to be by the sea and they always had a holiday home in Sussex, right up until my grandfather died.
Don't you think he looks like someone from 'The Godfather' in this picture?
As you can see I haven't done the journalling yet, but I have colour co-ordinated the pages as this will be a double spread.
This is my much loved Mum in a 'moody' pose taken by my Dad, who loved his photography, who could blame him when he had my beautiful Mum as his model? Sadly Mum passed away nearly 4 years ago now but I still think of her and miss her every single day.
No doubt I'll share some more pages as and when I get them done, that is if I'm not going to bore you all?
I did a nice page of my sons but as it was 12x12 I can't scan it, so it will have to wait until I get a photograph done.