Hi everyone, well I'm back and with apologies for being away so long, I hadn't meant my break to be quite this long but "the best laid plans" etc.
I've really missed you all and I've also missed blog hopping. I made the rounds of your blogs over the last couple of days and just couldn't believe how many wonderful things I'd been missing. That was when it really hit me how much time had passed since I last posted, including celebrating yet another birthday (and receiving a total of 47 cards, nearly all hand made from my lovely crafting friends!) I may try and post a photo of the cards if I can get my lovely DH to take it.
One thing I have learned is that I can't manage to make a card and update this blog every day without falling behind on everything else, so from now on I will not be posting on a daily basis. I will probably post a couple of times a week, maybe more if I can but we'll see how things go. Hopefully by doing this I won't need to take another break just to catch up with all my other jobs.
I don't know if you can remember this far back, but a while ago I told you that I had made a little "friendship book" for my BF and a lot of you were interested in seeing it, however as I am totally unable to work our latest camera I had to wait for DH to take some photos for me. I thought that this might be a good project for my first posting, so here are the photos. I hope you like it, I certainly had a lot of fun making it.
Welcome Back Chrissie, nice to see you. I love the book, it's really great
Beryl x
Hi!!!! waving frantically at Chrissie. It's great to have you back posting again and what a project! It's gorgeous, beautifully assembled and makes me wish I was that BF!! Well done Chrissie on a fabulous piece of work,I'm sure your friend was tickled pink to receive it. I'm glad you had a good birthday and look forward to seeing all the cards when you post them.
Welcome back!!
Oh wow this is so fabulous ,brilliant work ,Dawnxxx
glad you are back xx
It's great to have you back Chrissie - and what a come back! WOW!WOW!! WOW!!! that's all I can say - that is one stunning book, your friend must have been thrilled
Ann x
Its great you are back blogging, and what a comeback !!!!!!
Completely gobsmacked by your gorgeous little book. Your friend will be delighted.
Hi again Chrissie. Thank you for joining in with the birthday draw. All the best and good luck!! Edna x
Lovely to have you back Chrissie but well worth the wait. Your book is out of this world. I hope your best friend appreciated the work and time you have put into this project - lucky her!
It's great to see you back Chrissie, the book is delightful, beautifully done.
x Wheezie x
I'm so glad you are back and the book is amazing! No matter how often you post, I'll be visiting to see your latest creations!
This is a fabulous project! All the images used are soooo cute! I am sure your friend will treasure it!
Lovely book Chrissie - I know what you mean about keeping up with the blogging - real life gets in the way sometimes!
I love your little book!!!! It is so cute, I want one too. Glad you are back
Jacqueline aka TresBella
Crikey Chrissie I have missed you so much - I've visited every morning hoping you would be back and what a lovely surprise this morning.
And the book - OMG - that is just out of this world. I love love love it ------------- oooooooooh I would so love to have a go at one like that, but my goodness it must have taken you ages!! The colours are just gorgeous.
Understand what you mean about blogging I too am getting a bit 'blogged' down!!!
Ann xxx
Welcome back - missed your postings - and wow what a STUNNING return
It`s a wonderful piece of work
Thanks for sharing
This is a wonderful book and I bet your friend loved it!
Chrissie, wow thats really lovely, it looks like a lot of work has gone into it
Welcome back Chrissie! And what a treat you've had waiting for us all! this book is just amazing!! So sorry I missed your birthday, I hope you had a good day!
Love Becky xx
Hi Chrissie nice to see you back in blogland. Sounds like you had a fabulous birthday. I love the beautiful friendship book that you have created. Debbie x
Wow1 Chrissie, this is absolutely out of this world. It's gorgeous and well worth waiting for. Lovely to see you back and quite understand the new maybe twice a week posting. I find that I have so much to do at the moment too that I can't seem to find the time to blog every single day. Look forward to seeing your creations as and when you have the time.
P.S. Hope you received my 'late' card ok!
Welcome back Chrissie :) absolutely gorgeous book, I just love it!!!!!!!!!!
This project is so fabulous, so much time and love has gone into it, anyone would be highly honoured to receive it.
So wonderful to see you posting :)
Wow ... superb creation. Welcome back.
WOW WOW WOW well it was worht the wait hunny,this is just scrummy snf im sure your best friend will love it
will be ion touch soon,we got home about 5ish this eve
wendy xx
Wow!! I love this little book!! Happy Belated Birthday!! all the cards you recieved are Gorgeous!! Thank you so much for spreading the news of my blog candy!!..Good Luck!!....Hugs, Ila
This is just a beautiful book. It must have taken ages to make. It is a real treasure! Hugs Jeanette
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