I'm afraid that pesky little mojo has gone walkabouts again, but I'm going to be sending out a search party for him tonight as I need to get started on some new bits and bobs tomorrow.
I popped on to make this posting and found that Holly had presented me with the Brilliante blog award! Thank you so much Holly, I'm very honoured.
I hadn't seen Holly's blog before so popped over to take a look only to find that it's absolutely amazing, so please go and take a look. She also appears to be responsible for some gorgeous digital download images at Squigglefly
I just wanted to leave a message for all my blogging friends to wish them all a very happy and creative new year.
I'm so sorry that I haven't been to visit your blogs for a few days, but I promise to try to do better and visit you all again very soon, once things get back to normal.
I'll leave you now with a reminder about the new challenge blog that is starting on 5th January at Sketch and Stash this will be run by Becky with Lisa and I joining her as the DT, so please do try and join in with us.
Just think, it will give you all a wonderful opportunity to use all the new goodies that you received for Christmas! I look forward to seeing you all there.
congratulations Chrissie on the award, and A happy new year to you..hugs rachxx
Just popping in to wish you a very happy, healthy and peaceful 2009
Ann x
Happy New Year Chrissy
Wendy x
Hi Chrisse sorry to hear your mojo has gone away sure it will be back with flying colours soon. Hate when you have a blank moment and just can't think what to do. I have done my card for the new challenge just done it before christmas when I first heard I had been choosen as now I am having my craft room done up and I would no way beable to make a card now I have things everywhere. Hope you have a great new year tonight and talk soon can't wait to see what you come up with.
Congrads on the award...... and Thank you for stopping by my blog. Its great to have stampin friends
May your New year b blessed with happiness, and dreams.
Happy New Year Chrissie
Thank you for the lovely comment on my blog...I only think of it as a load of ol' waffle!!LOL.
Looking forward to your new challenge blog!!
With love and best wishes for a happy, healthy and crafty New Year!
love Dingle.xx
Thanks for your sweet comments Chrissie...wishing you a very Happy New Year.
Carole ;-)
Happy New Year Chrissie, I'm sure it won't be too hard to find your mojo!!
Love Becky xx
Congratulations Chrissie. Wishing you a Happy ,Healthy New Year. Hugs Rita xxxx
A very Happy New Year to you and all your family.
I'm looking forward to the new challenge next week. See you there.
Beryl xx
Hi Chrisse happy new year I have left something on my blog for you hope it helps make you mojo come back.....
Happy New Year to you and your family Chrissie, all the best for 2009!
Hi Chrissie thanks for the comment on my music. Hope you and your family had a lovely Christmas and New Year. I have put the new challenge blog in my fave's and have got there logo on my blog as well. I hope to take part in the challenge on the 5th and it will be my first for 2009.
Lorraine x
Happy New Year Chrissie
Happy New Year Chrissie
x Wxheezie
Happy New Year Chrissie! and I look forward to blogging with you some more in 2009. hugs, annie x
Hi Chrissie,sorry to hear about your Mojo, don't they chose the most inconvienent time to wander off!
Happy Creative New Year to You, hope you have health,wealth and happiness too.
Hugs Sandie, x
Hi Chrissie - all the best for 2009 - hope brings you all you would wish for.
Congrats on your award and DT'ship.
hugs Heather xx
Congratulations on your award Chrissie ad all best wishes for 2009! Debbie x
Congrats on award and DT
Love the calander and card book
Hope Santa was good and 2009 is filled with creativity and laughter
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