I was having a browse this morning whilst eating my brekkie and found that I'd been tagged by my fellow Sheenie and blogging friend Lorraine, I've never been tagged before so this is a first for me!
The rules appear to be: Go to where you keep your pictures, pick the 6th picture from the 6th folder and explain it, then choose six more bloggers to tag.
OK, this picture was one of many taken last June, when DH and I were having a day out at a lovely National Trust property called The Vyne. We have been NT members for ages and always visit lots of places if we go away, but had never paid a visit here before and it's only a short way from where we live! I suppose that's always the way, you never visit places on your own doorstep.
Now for the 6 people I have to 'tag' (in no particular order)
Ann, Irene, Beryl, Ann, Wendy Jenny

I've just discovered that Jenny has given me the Kreativ Blogger award, so thank you Jenny. I'll pop this on my blog for any of my visitors to take, as I find so much inspiration from everyone's blogs.
What a gorgeous picture! That would look well on a card!! ;)
Well done Chrissie in getting another award and what fun being tagged!!!! Cathy xxx
Congratulations on the award and being tagged.
Thanks Chrissie - I'll sort this out ASAp - full of cold and am feeling very sorry for myself at the moment.
Ann xxx
What a beautiful photo Chrissie, it's true what you said about not visiting places on your doorstep, I walk past all the Pottery shops everyday and have never gone in, and people come from America just to visit!! I find it a little bit mad lol!!
Love Becky xx
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