When I posted my 'apology' message yesterday I never for one minute expected to get so many wonderful messages of encouragement!
It never ceases to amaze me how many caring and supportive friends I've made since starting to blog and I'd like to thank all of you.
I have also received the Encouraged award from Ann and Gail, thank you so much both of you. Please take a moment to pop over and take a look at their wonderful blogs.
I'd like to pass this award on to all the people who visit my blog, I really appreciate your taking the time to leave such lovely comments and I especially appreciate your friendship.
Chrissie, hope to see you back blogging regularly very soon and looking forward to seeing your next DT creation. Best wishes. Kym
I know how you feel Chrissie I haven't done any Crafting this year, I can't get motivated either. Bought lots on EBay but done nothing other than that. It is the weather I think that is getting to me. Hope we both get out of our rut soon. Cathy xxxx
Chrissie I'm sure you will soon find that errant mojo. Once the weather brightens up a bit and the days begin to stretch you'll not know yourself. Take your time, there's no point at all in forcing things as that generally only makes it worse. :)
((HUGS))) Edna x
Big hugs to you Chrissie, it's very easy to feel down during wintertime, in the cold and dull weather.
Feel better soon and try and remind yourself now and again that spring is coming :)
Hi Chrissie I wondered where you were and I am sorry that you have been 'down' I can understand how you feel cause I share that same feeling quite a lot but nothing to do with the weather. I am so glad you are posting again and look forward to the next S&S challenge its thanks to you that I have started doing the challenges again and so far I am enjoying it.
Lorraine x
Hope you are feeling better soon sweetie,i miss seeing your fab cards on your blog
take care my friend
will email you when i got few mins to myself lol
Wendy xx
Just emailed you before I visited your blog Chrissie so I didn't realise you had been feeling down, sorry! Try not to worry about not being in a creative mood, take it easy and be kind to yourself. Hope you feel better soon, Denise xxx
Sorry to hear that you're not feeling your 'crafty' self at the mo. Makes me doubly thankful that you stopped by on my blog. Looking forward to the next S&S challenge.
Big Hugs,
Sandra xx
Sorry to hear you're not feeling 100%, we all get like that sometimes, hope you are back creating again real soon, congrats on your award
hugs Gill x
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