Well as promised here are the photos of my new craft room. I've included some 'before' photos too so you can see the difference.
I have to say the photos don't really do it justice, it is so bright and has loads of storage space for all my 'stuff' (although I think I could possibly do with even more!!!???!!!)
My darling DH was so busy and he couldn't have chosen a hotter few days could he, bless him.
I have got doors etc. but I told DH I didn't want them fitted yet as I'm sure I'll need to adjust some things once I start working in there. I also thought that if I can see my stash I may be more likely to use it, rather than forgetting about it all the time, which is what I tended to do before.
I'm sure I'll have doors on some of the base cupboards eventually, but I think I may leave the wall cabinets as they are so I can have space to store my pretty 'bits and bobs'
My visit to the Doctor on Friday went quite well and I'm hoping that 'normal service may resume shortly' lol! at least as far as my blog is concerned.
Following on from my little break from crafting, I've decided to step down from a couple of my DT roles though, so in future I will no longer be part of either Crafty Ann's Challenge or the CD Sunday challenge. I'm sad to leave them but we will all stay good friends and keep in touch and I'm sure I shall be joining in some of the challenges too.
I shall still remain part of the DT for Sketch & Stash and I'm hoping to get back to joining in with them again very soon.
I'm sure I've made the right decision for me at this time and although I shall miss the fun we used to have, I think I shall enjoy the freedom of 'just because' crafting again rather than fitting in with a particular theme. All I need to do now is get better at finding challenges to match the cards I make!
I'm sorry this has been such a long post, but I wanted to let you all know what's been happening and thank you for all your support and understanding.
Woweeeeeee Chrissie what a great space.
Kathleen x
Wow Chrissie, your craft room looks fabulous - enjoy. Hugs xx
Lovely room Chrissie, it is so tidy! I like to be able to see what I've got otherwise I forget what is hidden in a cupboard!.
Hope you will soon be feeling better.
Pam x
oohh wow !! I LOVE your room :-) so bright and cheerful and what a lot of storage space !! :-) Brilliant !! :-)
thanks for sharing the photo's :-)
hope you feel better soon Chrissie xx you take care xx
Lols x x x
He's done you proud Chrissie - enjoy your new space. I can't wait to see the treats that will come out of it. We'll miss you as a DT member at Crafty Ann's but you'll always be a friend. Take care sweetie.
WOW! WOW! WOW! and more wows! Your craft room is fantastic Chrissie! What a very special hubby you have in many ways. Soooo pleased you're are feeling a tad better and hopefully very soon you will feel more 'normal'...allthough I don't think us crafter can be called normal at times!!Lol! I mean how many peeps do you know that stroke their most gorgeous craft papers as we do?Lol!.
Take care my dear friend.
Lots of love
Sheila xx
Oh it's gorgeous Chrissie - so jealous - my craft room is my bedroom too, but it's a step up from when I used the porch. LOL
will be lovely to have you back and I completely understand about the me time. Sometimes you just want to play and not 'have' to do something.
Hope you continue to get better.
Love and hugs
Ann xxx
Oh its looking fabulous Chrissie.
Oh Chrissie your new craft room is just PERFECT!
I love all of your storage it looks amazing and I reckon your thought of 'out of sight out of mind' is a really valid point! Besides it's lovely to fill the odd space with something lovely too isnt it!
Sounds like youve made the right decision about how you spend your crafting time. I love being able to create just whatever I want. You'll be as free as a bird to make want you wish this way!
Look forward to seeing what you get upto in your lovely bright new space!
Keryn x
Oh My Word Chrissie!! I loved it before and I love it now... oh you are so very lucky to have that gorgeous space to craft in!! I'm sure it will prove to be a very tranquil place to sit and create and hopefully this will be better than anything you get from the doctor he he!!
We have so missed you over at Sketch and Stash... it hasn't been the same without a bit of Mo Manning he he!!
Loads of Love Becky xx
WOW Chrissie, what a fab new workroom you have, so much space.
Sorry that you have stepped down from Crafty Ann's and CD Sunday but you must do what you feel most comfortable with. You will always be a friend and hope that you will soon feel better. I will miss you on CD Sunday.
Love & Hugs
Christine xxx
oh wow Chrissie how fantastic is that space your Husband made a fantastic job of it, ask him would he like a go at fitting mine lol...your so right about the doors in fact I would leave them off as opening and shutting them all looking for stuff would do my head in lol...now hurry up and fill it so we can see your stash
Mina xxx
Fantastic. I thought it was pretty amazing when you first shared the photos of your lovely craft room with us - but now it's had this makeover it's even better. So fresh and bright and loads of storage.I can tell you are thrilled with it. Just the thing to get your mojo working overtime.
Lots of hugs
Beryl xx
Chrissie, your new workspace looks wonderful! Isn't it great to have things so fresh and organized? I'm with you about leaving the storage spaces without doors. If I don't see it I forget I have it! It also helps me to keep those areas organized. I'm also glad to see you back online. You've been greatly missed!
hi Chrissie,wow your new craft room is amazing,i absolutely love it,so bright and organized,what afabby hubby you have:)
hope you're feeling better really soon and I'm looking forward to having ya back at Sketch and stash:)
hugs to you:)
Super room Chrissie and it is nice to see you posting. I have left you an award on my blog which I would love you to accept. Cathy xxx
Wow, that looks amazing! When can I move in? *lol*
I am sure you'll be even more creative than usual in this heavenly spot! Enjoy!
Thanks for the update Chrissie...your new craft room is superb!!!!!!!!! and I am sure it will inspire you to start creating again very soon.
Wow! What an amazing craft space. Your hubby has done you proud.
So glad to hear that 'normal services will resume' soon.
Hugs to you
Sandra x
What a lovely space, and sooooo neat and tidy!!!!
OOo I would love love love that work space!!!! What I wouldent give for a shiney new space to craft in!!! Oh the sheer joy of filling all that space you have to come!....sigh..its just lovely!
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